The dangers of social media to individuals and businesses
The dangers of social media to individuals and businesses
There is many risks to businesses that come with the use of social media, examples of these risks are reputation damage, this can happen in many ways, somebody posting a complaint that becomes popular on the social media page, being hacked and having possibly disturbing or just rude messages posted by the social media page, employees acting inappropriately on social media etc, the list goes on and on. Other risks include data theft, which can include the theft of client or customer information and messages. Companies, just like individuals, need to make caution their number one priority, following all security measures to ensure the account is as secure as possible to ensure their customers and clients safety.In my opinion, businesses are a lot more careful when it comes to having social media accounts whereas a majority of individuals are pretty careless about the information that they provide online and so they need to start being a lot more cautious with the information they provide about themselves.
If you would like to learn more on the topics, you can have a look at the links provided below
Very good article, quite a lot worrying thoughts to hear how much hacking really takes place but its so true sadly. Businesses really need to consider these issues before starting up, and plan what they will do if ever faced against these issues. The website links look very helpful as now we can find out more about the topic if we wish.
ReplyDeleteI though the exact same thing while researching the topic, really does make you think about just how dangerous social media really is.
DeleteGood blog many good points and the 2 links are quite resourceful, but there are not many people who see the potential dangers of social media and think it won’t happen to them. Think again! How many people are so proud of their kids or grand-kids and like to let other know this? So, they post pictures of the family or friends on Facebook or Twitter? It is a great picture, a beautiful in fact but, it could also be a lifeline to those who scourge the internet. A personal profile may have the profile owners school, region, workplace, mobile number on it, that's an opening to danger or threats, it may have the children’s names, or worse the school, school classmates or venue where it was taken allowing, not so nice, people to pinpoint your families / children’s / grandchildren’s / friends locality, more danger! Yes the use of social media opens a whole can of worms to predators, names, ages, social groups (like cheer-leading/ dancing / martial arts class / netball / football), schools attended, pets (allowing predators to be vigilant of the family watchdog.) On social media your life is shared.
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't just attract child predators, it also attracts burglars and bullies, so you are going on holiday, when? Oh let's Facebook / Twitter it, "can't wait till Saturday to fly off to the sun!" guaranteed someone will ask, “Oh nice, where are you off to?” "Who is all going?" "When are you going” “How long are you away for you lucky so n so?" if you have a pet / watchdog at home, "Who's caring for Tyson?" some will answer "He's going to the kennels till we return." People may also have a picture of their car, their pride and joy, here's hoping it's kept in a garage because if it isn't it will be easy to spot in the street if it's parked outside the house while you are away on that much deserved holiday, there now, the burglar also knows where you stay, when you are leaving, who's all going and how long for! You see, social media may be a great way to keep in touch with friends or family YOU trust but who's to say a friend of a friend is as trustworthy?
Stay safe online no matter whether it is social media, business marketing or purchasing from social media sellers. People can only access what you allow them too!
Social media isn't my thing but for those who do use it on a regular basis there are a few good online pointers in self help and safety, worth a look: I have added one here for your perusal and if the link does not work then copy and paste the address into your web browser:
I get what you're saying and agree with you completely, people really need to reconsider their actions on social media and take a lot more care with what they post.