examples of abuse of personal data by social media enterprises

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There has been much speculation and discussions surrounding how our data is used when connected to social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. There is a lot of rumors going around so the purpose of this blog is to try and give some information about how data is used and by who to help inform you on what is true and what is false.

Entities such as airlines, politicians and even non-profits can use your data for finding new customers or targeting products to existing ones. financial services companies such as banks and lenders are also using "data mining" services for marketing purposes and to make lending decisions, for example, certain types of credit products, which fit your personality, could be marketed especially to you.

This is often overlooked by social media users as not everyone reads the small print so you never know how or in what way companies are collecting and  using our data which is quite unnerving especially if you do not want your data used.

In reference to "Data Mining"   which has been mentioned above is when companies use your public posts and likes then add your details to a database and then sell your details on to companies. a data mining company eg  Rapleaf Inc turns your chatter and network usage into a behavioral pattern, and if they can prove it has some worth then this is valuable to companies. it is our job to read the small print and if we don't then we are leaving our-self open to data abuse. the key is to research so we can make an informed decision.

I have provided some links to more information on data usage and data mining below:


This one will help secure your data and gives you some tips:


  1. Some eye opening information in this writing Louise, it's a bit scary to think of every thing you do on social media websites being saved / copied and used to market products back out to you with YOU specifically in mind, this would lead people to believe that they are unique and that this is a product that's "Just Perfect" for them but in all honesty it is just a ruse to reel you into the product that they are selling.
    Very informative blog with really good informational links.

  2. Interesting information which gets you to really think what could actually happen to your personal data and how it is being used and it is true most people do tend to overlook the small-print before signing up to sites thus giving away a large number of their personal data by doing so which makes them put themselves at higher risk online.

    Links were really informative and overall very good blog entry.

  3. Some information that I had no idea about, really did make me think about how I can start protecting my information as I highly dislike the thought of my data being used in ways I don't agree with. Really enjoyed reading the links you provided.


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